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About Us
The Holy Order of Cherubim & Seraphim movement
Church- City Bible Church, Chicago
Ayo ni o Cherubim and Seraphim Church is a Bible-believing church located in the heart of Chicago. We strive to be a place of refuge and a beacon of hope for our community. Our congregation seeks to uphold traditional values and teachings of the Bible, while also providing a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere for all.
We come together to worship, fellowship, and learn from each other. Our goal is to foster a sense of unity and support among our members, and to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. We invite you to join us and be part of this amazing journey.
Ministry Purpose (Eph 4)
1. To provide balance in the Church by correlating programs and creating the structure needed for overall growth and ministry potential.
2. To help all believers discover and use their God-given spiritual gifts so each one, according to their strength is ministering to others according to their needs: with the objective that the body will grow and each individual will become spiritually mature. (We do not want to violate the integrity of any by manipulating them into a position for which they are unqualified and uncomfortable, but will help all fulfill their dreams and potentials through the Church by offering places of service and utilizing each Christian where they best fit in the ministry.)
3. To communicate leadership attitudes and skills to every leader and lay person so all will grow into greater leadership positions of the ministry within the Church and within their personal life.
4. To prepare each member to carry out the ministry of the Church by providing them with tools to accomplish these tasks.
5. To minister and through small groups, thus bonding each believer to a small group, so that both the individual and the Church are strengthened.
6. To help all believers in their task of evangelistic outreach, thereby ministering to and reaching others for Christ through networking and bonding them to the Church and ultimately to Christ.

Statement of Faith
To build a caring atmosphere and a team spirit within the body of Christ so each member will be accepted into the team, enabling him or her to grow physically, emotionally and spiritually. and to help other members as he or she grows, resulting in team members ministering to each other.
To make the Church an island in a hostile world where each Christian can come for worship, strength, identification, leaming, equipping and fellowship.
To develop an effective outreach ministry. involving and utilizing the gifts and personalities of every member to stair-step those people they care about into the body of Christ.
To offer a place of service to meet needs and fit the various spiritual gifts within the Church, without ever forcing anyone into a mold they do not fit.

Statement of Faith
We believe that God is one and has no equal -Creator of Universe.
We believe in the Holy Trinity: God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
We believe that men are saved by Grace and not by the works of his hand.
We believe that God's redemptive work led the Christian Church.
We believe Christ has commissioned the Church to go into the World and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to observe His Commandments.
We believe in baptism by immersion and the Lord's Supper.
We believe in the institution of Marriage.
We believe that the State is ordained of God to maintain law and order.
We believe in the Bible, hence we are Bible teaching and practicing Church.
Senior Pastor: Senior Special Apostle (Dr.) C. I. Akande, JP
Church Secretary: Special Apostle Olabode Beckley
Church Bands Coordinator: Special Apostle Dr. Tunde Ali
Treasurer: Special MIIS Stella Odeyemi
Financial Secretary: Special MIIS Motunde Adeniji
Choir Master: Senior Apostle Tope Adebiyi
Senior Apostle Prophet Olatokunbo Balogun - Church Prophet
Senior Apostle Prophet Adesola Bello - Church Prophet